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Positive Impact

The positive impact of SpendAble on NDIS participants' access to their own money

April 30, 20232 min read

The alarming truth is that 1 in 2 people with disability fall victim to financial fraud or abuse.  Managing finances can be challenging for NDIS participants, especially when it comes to traditional payment products. SpendAble was developed to combat these exact challenges and give participants a tailor made means to handle their own money more independently, distribute funds to carers safely when they require a carer to make a payment for them, and be more financially secure.

Traditionally, NDIS participants have had to rely on service providers or their support network to manage their funds, including making purchases for them. This often resulted in a lack of transparency and control, with participants and their families having little visibility into how their money was being spent. It also made it difficult for participants to access their funds when they needed them, which can be a significant barrier to achieving their goals and living a more independent life.

SpendAble is a debit card and financial capacity building app that allows NDIS participants to manage their funds, track their spending, and make payments with supported decision making features. The app gives participants the ability to implement tailored budgets and spending plans, meaning they have more control over their finances, and helps them to make better-informed decisions about how to spend their funds. SpendAble also allows participants to give secure access to their money to their support workers and carers who need to make payments for them without needing to hand over cash or their own personal debit card, adding significant visibility, transparency and security to their money.  

One of the key benefits of SpendAble is the transparency it provides. Participants can see exactly where their funds are going, which helps them to identify any suspicious activity and review their spending against their personalised spending plans they have set with their support network. The app also allows participants to set budgets and view their account balances in real-time, which helps them to manage their funds more effectively.

The transparency and accountability that SpendAble provides also helps NDIS participants to break down barriers to accessing their own money. With a clear record of how their funds are being spent, participants can make sure that their funds are being used for the right purpose and that they are getting the best value for their money. 

SpendAble’s goals are to provide participants a purpose built, tailor made way to improve financial capacity, independence and security, to reduce the prevalence of financial abuse and fraud that currently occurs. We do this by breaking down barriers for participants to access their own money by giving them more control and transparency over their finances. With SpendAble, NDIS participants can take meaningful steps towards improved capacity, reducing the risk of financial abuse, having safer processes for others to handle their money, and more overall financial independence.

You can explore all of SpendAble’s offerings below:

Supported decision makingcapacity buildingfinancial skill developmentdisability money appNDIS assistive technology
blog author image

Reece Miller

Reece is the Chief Executive Officer at SpendAble

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