Company News
If you’re handling the personal money of participants who live in your supported accommodation settings, ensuring you’ve got the highest level of trust built with the families is so important.
First of all — what might create tension or a lack of trust between a provider and families?
Transparency and oversight that is limited
Transparency and oversight that is sporadic
Transparency and oversight that is inaccurate
Fundamentally — a lot of it comes down to transparency and oversight
Traditional systems like cashboxes and manual ledgers take a lot of time and energy to maintain, which naturally mean there is a significant time delay for families to actually see a statement or evidence of how their money was spent.
In addition to that, cashboxes and ledgers tend to be completed manually by staff, which leads to natural amounts of human error, as well as being held physically at each house, where families cannot see the information unless they call and ask, visit the house, or when they receive their sporadic statement — which is often monthly.
Generic expense tools, although improving business operations, don’t help families with oversight too much either. They do increase the speed of information collection and reduce errors which is good, but families don’t have access to these systems, meaning they still have sporadic access to how their own money is being spent.
We need a solution for the NDIS that grants families real-time access to how their money is being spent. And that’s where SpendAble comes in.
With SpendAble, you can add the parent or guardian of a participant as a user to your platform. This allows them to see all spending done on behalf of their child in real time. They can even download their own transaction reports if needed.
By granting real time access to families, they no longer have to wait weeks or months for information, your staff no longer have to prepare family statements, and with VISA verified spending information, automatically reconciled — you can say goodbye to frequent errors too.
Interested in learning more? Chat with us today